Employee Benefit Plans
Meet the challenges of performing quality employee benefit plan (EBP) audits in this unique and complex area. The AICPA has established the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC), a firm-based voluntary membership center for firms that audit EBPs. The AICPA also has audit and accounting guidance conferences, CPE and learning and EBP audit certificate programs and exams to support members in EBP auditing. Bookmark this page to stay on top of employee benefit plan audit developments and resources that help you deliver valuable audit services to employee benefit plans.
The AICPA's Employee Benefit Plan resources provide a wide variety of helpful guides, checklists and more designed to keep you on top of things.
Employee Benefit Plans Subtopics
- Audit Engagement
- Defined Benefit Pension Plans
- Defined Contribution Plans
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
- Form 11-K Audits
- Health & Welfare Benefit Plans
- Multi-employer Plans
- Multiple Employer Plans
- Practice Management
Employee Benefit Plans Resources
Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
The Center is a voluntary membership organization for firms that perform or are interested in performing ERISA employee benefit plan audits.
Contact EBPAQC
Please email us for more information about Employee Benefit Plans audit quality.